Monday, March 13, 2006

Regina Spektor

With music and art we will make this world brighter.

So, I am an idiot. Unfortunately. I came up with some great similes last night though... maybe I'll share them later on. They're for a book that I'll never write. One thing... i am actually going to get help on EZ Archive 'cause it's really really annoying me now. Anyway, since I can't use it yet, here:

Regina Spektor

I am in love with her voice... officially. And her instrumentation. Think Norah Jones only actually exciting "dinner-time music". Play her music during meal-times with the family and they will all look at you in awe - "Wow! Both appropriate and interesting. Why don't you listen to more nice music like this?"

Oh yes. Enjoy. Highly highly recommended.

"When I first heard her voice I fell over"
"I think he means he fell in love"

Quote unquote the guys from the Transgressive Records podcast who signed her. Check out more here. Todays MP3's are linked from a fantastically experimental and revealing all sorts of all-new music of an electronic or weird, interesting, diverse [read: not mainstream] vein. I've been reading it for a while now: downloading stuff straight away, listening a few months later. Appreciating everything a few months after that. It's that kind of music... the blog is The Man Who Stepped Into Yesterday. When I first heard Polysics, I despised them. Now I think they're unbelievable. Going out music, definitely.

But back to Regina Spektor. Seriously, this girl's like the female version of Jeff Buckley. Always interesting, sometimes the music is annoying and all you want and long for so badly is a nice catchy hook, but she's just footering about doing ad-lib vocals, [maybe ad-hoc, but hey who's checking?] and she's making it all up off the bat and you're thinking "hmm, you make better music when you're taking the piss, than most people do after five years practise on the one song" and then it's all tiring it wears you out and all of a sudden you're thinking - why am I reading this when I could be listening? Or maybe, jeez that was a long sentence, learn to use your punctuation 'cause by now I can barely breathe. When I first heard Buildings, I could barely breathe.

1 comment:

Dan said...

Ah Benj. You know how to make me smile. I am in fact, in love. Just sitting here trying to get some songs for The Domestic Love Bunnies Indie disco set tomorrow night [ which I know you will be attending seeing as you missed their last gig ] and I am going to get Kyle to play a few of her songs for me.. and you of course
